Enjoy Your Affordable Patio

The time has finally come for the best part of your outdoor living project completion. It’s now time for you to enjoy your new outdoor space!

Love your new outdoor living space!
After our crew packs up, you look out at your yard with a feeling of excitement, as you realize just how much more living space you have gained. Our team, from start to finish, has made this process as stress-free as possible, by providing information and guidance every step of the way. We at affordablepatio.com, strive to give you and your family the perfect outdoor space, so memories can be made for a lifetime to come. All that’s left for you to do is move your patio furniture out and kick back and relax or host a neighborhood BBQ – the possibilities are endless! If you need some ideas for filling your new outdoor patio, we have provided a couple of websites and links for great patio furniture here.
Modern home patio company, patio lovers, A flagstone walkway leads to a charming gazebo, surrounded by colorful flowers and greenery.
Empy Patio Patio Furniture
One great thing about paver patios is the fact that you can always add to your existing project. After you start spending more time in your new space, you may find that an outdoor kitchen with a fire pit sitting wall might compliment your new patio perfectly. Or you may wish to add more square feet to your existing patio. Whatever you have envisioned, we are here to help!



Remember, one of the main advantages of concrete paving stones versus asphalt or concrete if a stain cannot be removed – the PAVER CAN! Also with pavers if a stain can not be removed or you have a damaged paver it can be removed and replaced.
Alliance Rubber, Paint and Tar Remover. Follow the directions on the bottle and reapply if necessary. Also you can try the following: chill with ice (if warm outside) and scrape away excess with a hard plastic scraper and apply Alliance XP Oil and Grease remover and follow directions on the bottle. Cutback asphalt and roofing tar – Use Alliance Rubber, Paint and Tar Remover and follow directions on the bottle.
Use liquid dish soap and let it penetrate for 20-30 minutes. Scrub and rinse with hot water. You may also use Oxyclean mixed 4 scoops to a gallon of hot water. Let soak for 15 minutes and then scrub with a nylon bristle brush, then rinse.
Scrape off excess and scrub with a poultice of denatured alcohol. Rinse with hot water and detergent.
Follow guidelines for removal of dried paint. Use Alliance Rubber, Paint and Tar Remover or Alliance Eco Soy Stripper.
Scrape off dry material. Scrub and rinse with hot water and Alliance Shampoo.
Apply a poultice with paint thinner and talc. Scrub and allow to dry. Scrape off and scrub with scouring powder and rinse with water.
Use Oxyclean 4 scoops to a gallon of hot water. Apply and let soak for 15 minutes. Scrub with a nylon bristle brush and rinse with water. You may also use Pool Shock. Wet the entire surface to be cleaned then mix 1/2 lb of pool shock with 4 gallons of water. Apply, scrub, and rinse off.
Use Oxyclean or pool shock (follow the same directions as above). Apply and let soak for 15 minutes. Scrub with a nylon bristle brush and rinse with water. You may also use Pool Shock. Wet the entire surface to be cleaned then mix 1/2 lb of pool shock with 4 gallons of water. Apply, scrub, and rinse off.
Polymeric haze from the use of polymeric joint sand may appear on your concrete products if the sand was not removed from the surface of the paver properly. This does not affect the integrity of the product or your installation. The hazing will weather away naturally with time and rain or it can be removed with a specialized cleaner. You are advised to contact your contractor. Cambridge Pavers, Inc. accepts no responsibility or liability for this occurrence.
Soak up excess with rags and apply Alliance XP Oil & Grease Remover. Leave on for 6-8 hours until it dries to a powder and sweep off. Also works on antifreeze, brake fluid, hydraulic oil and citronella wax.
Extremely difficult to remove. If mortar is fresh and not hardened, try Alliance Efflorescence Remover. Scrub and rinse with water. Reapply if necessary. It may be necessary to replace the paver.
Fresh paint should be mopped up immediately with rags or paper towels by blotting. Do not wipe as this will spread the stain. Soak and then scrub the area with hot water, scouring powder and a stiff brush until no more improvement is seen. Let the remaining paint dry and remove as described below.
Scrape any excess oil based paint, varnish or water based latex paint off the surface. Use Alliance Rubber, Paint and Tar Remover or Alliance Eco Soy Stripper and follow the directions on the container or a commercial paint remover and let it sit for 20-30 minutes. Loosen with gentle scrubbing. Do not rub the loosened paint into the surface of the paver. Instead, blot up the loosened paint and thinner. Repeat as necessary. Note: latex paints once dried are more difficult to remove.
Use a solution of trisodium phosphate (TSP) diluted to directions on the container. Scrub and rinse with water.

Alliance Rubber, Paint and Tar Remover or scrub black area with water, detergent and scouring powder. In the case of small stained areas, removal and replacement of marred pavers may be an easier option.

Define the rust stain (sprinklers, patio furniture, fertilizer?) Apply Alliance Rust Remover and scrub with a stiff bristle brush. Multiple applications may be necessary. Follow directions accordingly. Test a small area of pavers first. Note: Rust Remover will damage a sealer.
There are common questions that people ask when it comes to their paver stones when it comes to the finish on it. When pavers are first installed sometimes there is a white scarf marks on the top of the pavers. This is normal due to when the product is shipping it white plastic that is in between the layers will rub on the top but this will weather off within a few weeks. When looking over the catalogs or pictures of the paver sometimes the color or blends may look different. We want you to keep in mind the pictures will have filters and edits on them and we recommend you to see the product in person.
Sealing pavers is going to be your personal opinion but doesn’t need to be done. Seal will help prevent stains but most times people do it to have that wet look. We want you to keep in mind that after you start to seal pavers you have to keep up with that process and you are adding some type of maintenance to the product.
Cambridge offers multiple types of wall but all for different purposes. When building steps bbq or sitting walls the most common products are matrix and olde english walls. Both walls are 2 sided which means you can view both sides for example a sitting wall that you will see the back side of it. The matrix wall is a rock face or textured wall. This means the wall has been spilt to give you that ruff texture. The other wall is olde English which is a smooth wall but with broken/ aged tumbled look to it. Olde English always offers in select colors a non tumbled wall which has more of a modern look to it. If you are building a structural retaining wall we recommend using a cambridge sigma wall. This will be used to hold back earth and has a 1 inch step back to help prevent the wall from falling forward. This wall has the same texture as the matrix wall but is one side
So, before you get too comfortable in your new patio lounge chair, we would appreciate a review if you are happy with our company and the work we provided. You can kindly leave your review here (google review spot) and tell your friends and family about your experience!

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